Arthur Galamba, Rómulo de Carvalho’s Contribution to science education in Portugal (together with Jon Donelly, University of Leeds), Scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 2008-2013.
Bruno Barreiros, Concepções do Corpo no Portugal do Século XVIII: Sensibilidade, Higiene e Saúde Pública [Understandings of the Body in Eighteenth-Century Portugal: Sensibility, Hygiene and Public Health], Scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 2009-2014.
David Rodrigues dos Santos, Arte contemporânea num tubo de ensaio: Uma reflexão sobre responsabilidade social [Contemporary Art in a Test Tube: Thoughts on Social Responsibility], 2009-2014.
Hélio Pinto, Jacob de Castro Sarmento e a medicina e ciência do século XVIII [Jacob de Castro Sarmento contributions to Eighteenth Century Medicine and Science], Scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 2010-2015.
If you would like to be one of my Ph.D or Post-doc students, please send me a message to
Privileged Research Projects: History of Medicine and Natural History in Portugal and in the Portuguese Empire (16th and 18th centuries); History of the medical book; Visual representations of nature; Science, Medicine and Gender.